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Derm-Essentials for Seborrheic Dermatitis

Item: Derm-Essentials for Facial Seborrheic Dermatitis (stick)
Info: .60 oz lotion stick
Price: $10.00
Save: 2 or more: $9.00 | 4 or more: $8.50

Derm-Essentials for Facial Seborrheic Dermatitis (stick) - This is a full strength lotion stick that was designed especially for facial & skin SD. It features beeswax instead of coconut oil - which makes it less messy, easier to apply, and low-comedogenic (won't clog your pores).

Ingredients: Organic Jojoba Seed Oil, Beeswax (Pesticide Free), Neem Seed Oil, Essential Oil Blend (Australian Tea Tree, Himalayan Cedarwood, Virginian Cedarwood, Lavender, Rosemary, Patchouli, Oregano, Peppermint, Eucalyptus), Natural Vitamin E


In 2008, after suffering from severe Seborrheic Dermatitis for over 5 years, my normally chipper wife was distraught, emotionally drained, and desperate for relief. The constant barrage of itchy scalp, scales, flakes, and hair loss was definitely taking its toll. She had been to doctor after doctor with the same lack of results time after time...none of the countless prescriptions or home remedies she tried did much of anything.

Finally she stumbled upon a blend of essential oils from New Zealand that worked fairly well. It didn't totally get rid of all her symptoms, but it was by far the best treatment to date. I thought I could make something a little better, so I did tons of research on essential oils, their medicinal properties, proper combining, ratios, etc. It took a few months of trial and error, but I eventually developed a blend of oils that wiped out her SD symptoms entirely!

Seeing how impressive the oil was at clearing up her SD, my wife suggested I make it into a product so others could benefit. I thought that was a great idea, but first wanted to make sure it wasn't just a fluke and would actually work for other people as well. So I performed a small "mini trial" on 30 other SD sufferers. The results were better than I'd hoped for...nearly everyone saw a huge decrease in scales, flakes, redness, itchiness, and dryness.

Fast forward about 12 years, and Derm-Essentials for Seborrheic Dermatitis is still going strong! I've made a few small tweaks based on customer feedback, but it's basically the same formula that worked so well for my wife. I often receive emails from happy customers, and all of the testimonials below are 100% real and unsolicited.

Now not everyone who uses Derm-Essentials sees miraculous results, and I don't really think of it as a permanent "cure" for SD. But it does work great for most SD sufferers, and can totally erase the symptoms of Seborrheic Dermatitis for many. I can definitely understand you being a bit wary of spending more hard earned money on yet another product for SD, but if for whatever reason it doesn't work for you - just send it back and I'll issue a refund right away. Good luck either way :-)

  • Natural therapeutic relief for flaky, scaly, itchy scalp and skin
  • 100% natural & organic ingredients - absolutely NO chemicals or preservatives
  • 60 day money-back guarantee - we only want happy satisfied customers :-)

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How often should I use the Derm-Essentials oil/stick?
I suggest applying the oil (or facial stick) daily at bedtime for about one week and then gradually taper off to 1-2 times per week (or only as needed). Do not use continuously (every day) for long periods of time (more than 2-3 weeks) though. Longterm overuse of some essential oils can cause skin sensitization and/or allergic reactions in rare instances.

How often should I use the Derm-Essentials Light liquid?
After the initial treatments with the oil (or facial stick), you can use the light version as needed to maintain healthy skin & scalp. Do not use continuously (every day) for long periods of time (more than 2-3 weeks) though. Longterm overuse of some essential oils can cause skin sensitization and/or allergic reactions in rare instances.

How do I apply the oil/liquid?
The easiest way is to apply a small amount of oil (or liquid) directly onto the affected areas of your scalp or skin and massage in with your fingertips. Or you can apply a small amount onto your fingertips and then massage it into the affected areas. Having someone apply it for you may be easiest if your hair is really thick or long.

How do I apply the facial stick?
Just apply it as you would chapstick or deodorant. It's really easy thanks to the lotion stick dispenser - and it glides on super smooth.

How can I remove the scales on my scalp/skin?
The original Derm-Essentials for SD oil version works best for exfoliating and loosening scales. First, apply the oil to your affected areas normally and let it sit overnight. In the morning, apply a little more oil to your scaly areas. Using a fine tooth comb, very gently loosen the scales and lift them away from your scalp/skin. Finally, wash with an all-natural soap or shampoo.

Do I need to wash my hair/face/skin every morning after using the oil?
No, absolutely not. You can leave the oil in for as long as you'd like. Most people prefer to wash it out however, as it is oily.

Does it smell?
Derm-Essentials has a fairly strong medicinal scent (think tea tree oil & menthol), but most people don't mind the smell. In fact some even love it! With that said, essential oils are very potent and some people may find it too strong for their liking. However, the oil-free light version is 1/2 strength - so the aroma isn't quite so strong.

Is it okay to use on my face, scalp, skin, etc.?
Yes, you can use it pretty much anywhere on your body. Just be careful to keep it out of your eyes, nose, mouth, and "delicate parts". The eyebrows are fine, but I recommend avoiding your eyelashes.

Why is the light version described as "oil-free" when it contains essential oils?
Essential oils aren't really "oils" as you think of them. Fixed oils (e.g. jojoba, coconut, olive, etc.) are usually pressed from the nut/seed kernel of a plant, and are mainly made up of fatty acids. Whereas essential oils are usually steam distilled from the leaves, flowers, or bark of a plant - and are made up of "volatile organic compounds". Essential oils don't really look, feel, or act like regular fixed oils - so that's why I use the term "oil-free".

Will the oil stain my pillow?
Yes it will. I recommend using an old towel on top of your pillowcase at night to protect it from the oil. A shower cap works fine too.

Is the oil hard to wash out?
Yes, being 100% oil - it's a bit difficult to fully wash out of your hair. You may need to shampoo and rinse more than once. But hopefully the benefits outweight the slight inconvenience! Or you can try the oil-free light version which is super easy to wash out :-)

Is it safe for children?
Derm-Essentials should be okay to use on older children (12+ is preferred) with proper adult supervision. Make sure they don't swallow it or rub it in their eyes. And watch for any signs of irritation or allergic reaction. Essential oils are very potent, and can occasionally cause skin irritation for those with ultra-sensitive skin - like infants, toddlers, and young children.

Is it safe to use while pregnant or nursing?
I (tentatively) don't recommend using Derm-Essentials while pregnant or nursing. Some essential oils and herbs are said to affect menstruation and possibly induce labor, but there is very minimal scientific proof of this - especially for topical application. Derm-Essentials for SD does contain a small amount of Oregano oil which is semi-questionable, so it's probably better to be overly cautious and avoid it while pregnant or nursing.

What are the ingredients?
Please see above for a full listing of ingredients for each formula. We use only all-natural & organic ingredients, with absolutely no chemicals whatsoever.

How long does it take to see results?
That's hard to say. Everyone is unique and our bodies respond differently. Typically, you should see results for your Seborrheic Dermatitis within one week (7 applications) if it's going to work for you. Often times there's an immediate difference though. And if for some strange reason it doesn't do the trick for you, just send it back for a quick & easy refund :-)

What's the shelf life?
Conservatively, the shelf life is at least 1 year from the purchase date if stored properly (room temperature or below, and out of the sun). Add 6 months if you keep it refrigerated.

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Customer Feedback:

*The following testimonials were taken directly from unsolicited customer emails (which I really appreciate by the way). It's important to remember that results may vary from person to person though, and no topical product should be considered a permanent cure.

-Katie M.

-Stephen E.

-Dave B.

-Cindy B.

-Ashley T.

-Paula S.

-Chris P.

-Lyn M.

-Rob W.

-Jeannete M.

-Dianne M.

-Aeron K.

-Kevin C.

oduct works very effectively and quickly to take care of the problem. I am so amazed at how wonderfully it works! Also, as a bonus, I always get compliments at my job about how wonderful my hair smells when I do" *Disclaimer

-Gerri P.

nd I decided to try mixing several anti-fungal EO's with a carrier oil and even tried it in my own handmade lotion base. It wasn't bad, but I had to keep slathering " *Disclaimer

-Denise C.

-Meredith B.

-Holly A.

-Sandra B.


-Don G.

-Nathan C.

-Judith T.

-Greg M.

-Karen C.


-Aaron D.

-Debbie S.

-Cynthia F.


-Jennie A.

-Kathy K.

-Sharon L.

-Cristina G.

-Sarah G.


-Heather J.

-Sue C.

-Barbara E.

-Nicky V.

-Niki C.

-Sophie P.


-Darren B.

-Patty F.

-Diane B.

-Meredith L.



-Lisa D.

-Steven G.

-Linda S.

-Kim G.

-Sheri E.

-Andrea D.

-Heather H.

-Kevin C.

-Aaron M.

-Stuart D.

-Abbey F.

-Joyce P.

-Herb N.

-Robert G.

-Michelle L.

-Steve H.

-Jan C.

-Vincent C.

-Anna Z.

-Jennifer M.

-Amy N.

-Mary B.

-Christina M.

-Kevin M.

-Wayne H.

-Sue C.

-Kathleen L.

-Patricia N.

-Steve H.

-Ryan A.

-Stuart W.

-Matt P.


-Steven C.

-Stephanie B.


-Kimberly R.

-Joseph W.

-Sheri D.



-Margot B.

-Patricia H.

-Carol J.


-Dawana L.

-Irene T.

-Pat D.

-Elwyn B.

-Elaine M.

-Teena P.

-Don J.


-Laurie R.

-Vanessa L.

-Ellen W.

-Robin H.

-Steve H.

-Sabrina H.

-David L.

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